
Dreamscapes Magazine


Nunavik: Quebec’s Far North

Inuit Adventures in a Winter Wonderland

by Isabelle Dubois

Stretching above the 55th parallel, Nunavik is the northernmost region of Quebec and the gateway to the Arctic, opening the door to a true winter wonderland! Making up one-third of the province, this 507,000 km2 pristine expanse of land—bordered by Hudson Bay to the west, Hudson Strait to the north, Ungava Bay and Labrador to the east—is almost a country in itself with a culture of its own. Land of the Inuit, a friendly people of many legends, your hosts will welcome you with warmth that is sure to break the ice, as you join them on an authentic Inuit adventure in Nunavik…

Tame Winter the Way of the Inuit

Proud of their unique ancestral heritage, the Inuit of Nunavik are more than happy to share their way of life with visitors keen on discovering their age-old yet vibrant culture and traditions. For millennia, the Indigenous people of Nunavik, who were once nomadic, have mastered surviving off the land during the long Arctic winter months and still find ways to enjoy winter like no other to this day!

A long-weekend adventure in their company in and around the Inuit community of Puvirnituq will surely have you appreciate their know-how, while you join in the fun! Departing from Montréal on a Friday morning, Air Inuit will fly you up the eastern coast of Hudson Bay to this northern village in time for an afternoon visit of this tight-knit Inuit community.

But the fun really begins when you participate in a dog-sled excursion out on the sea ice, pulled by a team of strong pure-bred huskies, harnessed in their traditional fan-style. You’ll learn hands-on how to build an igloo with your Inuit guides, who are masters in the art of creating this shelter, one block of snow at a time. 

Spend the night in this snow house, just like they have for thousands of years. Join your hosts for some ice fishing with a meal that you’ll share together for a taste of local cuisine, with hot tea and stories before settling in for the night. As night falls, the famed aurora borealis could come illuminate the sky with their Northern Lights, making it much more than a five-star experience!

This true winter immersion of Inuit traditions continues back in the village. Hear Inuit elders’ stories, observe legends coming to life in soapstone carvings, and listen to the women’s enthralling throat songs. Come Monday afternoon, your return flight to Montréal will be full of memories to cherish for a lifetime! aventuresinuit.ca/en

Winter Adventures Amidst Spectacular National Parks

Nunavik shelters true gems of nature that are sure to delight fans of the great outdoors and winter sports enthusiasts alike, whether it’s backcountry skiing, alpine snowshoeing, snowmobiling or even fat biking off the beaten tracks.

In the Kuururjuaq National Park, follow in the Inuit’s footsteps by taking the ancient path of the Koroc River valley winding frozen at the foot of the Torngat Mountains, the highest peaks of Québec.

In the Tursujuq National Park—the largest of Québec—explore frozen inland seas surrounded by Hudson cuestas, where you might encounter small herds of muskoxen, taken straight out of the Ice Age.

And should you choose to visit the Pingualuit National Park, be ready to travel to a moon-like landscape leading to the amazing meteoritic crater, the park’s treasure. All this while being immersed in the Inuit culture, sharing their traditional way of life daily during these authentic winter adventures. nunavikparks.ca/en

Spotlight on the Aurora Borealis

As the winter solstice approaches, so does the chance to see the ballet of the aurora borealis. Starting early in September until the end of March, these heavenly celebrities celebrate by dancing their way into the night, lighting up the sky with radiant green ribbons, sometimes adorned by purple shimmer. Be sure to get front-row tickets to this fabulous open-air performance of the famed Northern Lights, presented by Inuit Adventures in Kuujjuaq, the gateway to Nunavik and many other unforgettable experiences alongside Inuit! aventuresinuit.ca/en/aurora-borealis-kuujjuaq

Travel Planner

For more travel information on Nunavik or to request a brochure, contact Nunavik Tourism.
819-964-2876 or toll-free 1-855-NUNAVIK; info@nunavik-tourism.com;
and visit nunavik-tourism.com

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